Next Generation Stem Cell does not offer stem cell therapy as a cure for any injury, disease or condition. Nothing on this website has been evaluated or approved by the FDA nor do we claim that any of our treatments or potential treatments are approved by the FDA as well.

Next Generation Stem Cell is not offering medical advice on this website nor will we diagnose or treat any patients through this website or over the telephone.

All of the treatments we offer are still in the investigational stage and are exclusive only to one on one point of care procedures. Next Generation Stem Cell is not involved in the use or manufacture of any investigational drugs. Any patients agreeing to undergo any of our experimental treatments do so on a completely voluntary basis.

Next Generation Stem Cell does not claim that any of our treatments can cure any condition listed or not listed on this website.

  • What are stem cells?

    Stem cells are “undifferentiated” cells that each person has throughout their bodies, but the most abundant ones are found in fat cells located in adipose tissue. They are able to take on the identity of and can become just like the cells they come in contact with. This is evident when the body naturally heals itself and stem cells run to the rescue to become like skin and form a scab over a wound. What would happen if many stem cells were placed in a particular part of the body to potentially treat or heal a specific disease such as Type I Diabetes, MS, autoimmune diseases and others? The results have been mind-boggling.

  • What are the different types of stem cells?

    While there are four known types of stem cells, Next Generation Stem Cell will only be offering homologous autologous Adult stem cells in our therapy.

    • Adult Stem Cells - Adult stem cells are found in the body of an adult and their use is not controversial like the other three types. Much success has been found in the use of adult stem cells, particularly when the stem cells are extracted from the patient’s own body. There is practically no risk of rejection.
    • Embryonic Stem Cells - Embryonic stem cells come from embryos. Apart from the controversy that surrounds the use of embryonic stem cells, Next Generation Stem Cell does not use them for other reasons as well. They have been found to result in tumors made of various types of cells. In addition, there is a high risk of transplant rejection.
    • Fetal Stem Cells - Fetal stem cells come from aborted fetuses. Next Generation Stem Cell does not offer fetal stem cells due to moral reasons.
    • Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) - Induced Pluripotent stem cells come from various parts of the body, but the intricate process of reprogramming specialized cells by first making them embryonic again is a recent and complicated technique, the FDA does not allow the reinjection of this type of stem cell with out a lengthy approval process therefore Next Generation Stem Cell does not offer it.
  • How long will it take to see results?

    Results will vary from patient to patient depending upon their condition, but the majority see results within three to nine months.

  • Are there any known side-effects to the procedure?

    There are no long-term negative side effects. Remember you will be just moving your own cells to another place in your body. Temporary side effects can include redness at the procedure site, minor swelling and bruising. The small percentage of patients who experience nausea, a headache or slight fever normally have sensitivity to mild local anesthesia. Other side affects may occur due to the liposuction harvesting process but not the actual stem cells.

  • Why travel to Next Generation Stem Cell?
    • We provide highly trained and experienced physicians rarely found anywhere in the USA.
    • We care about the patient’s experience and administer a tailor-made treatment in a safe environment surrounded by health professionals who provide them with compassionate care.
    • Our technology is advanced, unmatched and able to treat specific areas of the body directly.
    • Our harvesting technique yields 500 times more stem cells than the clinics that use the bone marrow biopsy technique. This translates in to much higher success rates for you.